Folding a Global Linear Id from CUDA Dimensions and Indices

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In this post I'll introduce a C++ variadic function template to calculate a global linear index, using a left fold over a list of extent/index pairs corresponding to each dimension of a rectilinear structure; such as a multidimensional array. The fold is first derived in Haskell, before the C++ version, applicable to arbitrary dimension counts, is applied to the familiar gridDim, blockDim, blockIdx and threadIdx builtins of a CUDA grid.

CUDA kernels are executed by numerous threads. The number and configuration of these is referred to as a CUDA grid, and set at runtime using non-C++ triple chevron syntax. For example with a kernel launch such as my_kernel<<<dim3{7,6,5},dim3{4,3,2}>>>(), a total of 5040 (i.e. 7*6*5*4*3*2) threads would be launched; organised as a collection of 210 CUDA thread blocks, each containing 24 (i.e. 4*3*2) threads.

Each thread in a CUDA grid is uniquely identified by the unsigned int zero-based x, y, and z data members of the uint3 built-in constants: blockIdx and threadIdx. Each of these data members will be less than its corresponding kernel launch parameter. The kernel launch parameters used in the triple-chevron syntax are also available within the kernel using two further built-ins, named gridDim and blockDim.

CUDA's blockIdx and threadIdx variables are analogous to the indices of a set of six nested loops. In the serial C++ code below, the innermost loop body, in a cache friendly manner, increments each element of a6; a 6D array. Here the array extents are equal to each loop's iteration count. Nested loop indexing is often as simple when the array and loop extents are proportional.

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  struct dim3 { unsigned x = 1, y = 1, z = 1; };
  float a6[5][6][7][2][3][4]{};
  float a1[5*6*7*2*3*4]{};

  const dim3 gridDim{7,6,5}, blockDim{4,3,2};

  for (unsigned i6 = 0; i6 <  gridDim.z; ++i6)
  for (unsigned i5 = 0; i5 <  gridDim.y; ++i5)
  for (unsigned i4 = 0; i4 <  gridDim.x; ++i4)
  for (unsigned i3 = 0; i3 < blockDim.z; ++i3)
  for (unsigned i2 = 0; i2 < blockDim.y; ++i2)
  for (unsigned i1 = 0; i1 < blockDim.x; ++i1)
    const dim3 threadIdx{i1,i2,i3}, blockIdx{i4,i5,i6};

  return 0;

Of course large stack-based arrays are rarely used. Consequently, a common requirement in CUDA codes is the calculation of a global linear (flat) id to use as an offset from the base address of dynamically allocated global arrays. In the code above, such a linear id would be useful if it was instead the a1 array which should have its elements incremented1.

When required, global linear ids can be calculated from the four built-in constants mentioned earlier. For a one dimensional grid of one dimensional blocks (1x1), the calculation is simple: blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x. When used as an array index, this is also conducive to memory coalescence2. The consecutive, increasing thread IDs3 of each warp's threads, correspond to the similarly consecutive, increasing values calculated from the thread indices in this common expression. In contrast, while another expression, threadIdx.x * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x, will also return unique linear ids; it does not produce consecutive, increasing values, from threads with consecutive, increasing thread IDs.

__device__ unsigned getGlobalIdx_2D_2D()
  unsigned blockId = blockIdx.x + blockIdx.y * gridDim.x;
  unsigned threadId = blockId * (blockDim.x * blockDim.y) + (threadIdx.y * blockDim.x) + threadIdx.x;
  return threadId;

__global__ void kernel2x2(float *p)

When calculating a global linear id from a two dimensional grid of two dimensional blocks (2x2), I often find myself reaching for getGlobalIdx_2D_2D from Martin Peniak's CUDA Thread Indexing Cheatsheet; courtesy of Calvin University. In the code above, assuming the global array referenced by p has space for as many float values as there are threads in the CUDA grid, then all its elements will be incremented, and memory accesses are duly coalesced. Again, it is easy to (perhaps accidentally) calculate a different set of unique linear ids, which also (as with threadIdx.x * gridDim.x + blockIdx.x) leads to non-coalesced accesses to global memory. An example of such a common pattern is shown in the code below:

__device__ unsigned get_global_id_2x2_noncoalesced()
  unsigned row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
  unsigned col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
  unsigned width = gridDim.x * blockDim.x;
  return width * row + col;

__global__ void kernel2x2_noncoalesced(float *p)

Memory access in the kernel above is not coalesced. Why? Consider two threads with consecutive thread IDs3; say in a warp. Such a pair will often have a different threadIdx.y. The row/column system of get_global_id_2x2_noncoalesced above though would calculate indices for such pairs as if they were from separate rows of a larger 2D structure with a width of gridDim.x * blockDim.x. At the point where row and col are initialised, we essentially concatenate all of the blocks of a grid together; and in doing so, lose valuable index information.

It is a little surprising that NVIDIA don't provide an API for obtaining such global linear ids themselves. The Khronos OpenCL API includes get_global_linear_id; and Khronos SYCL too has the get_global_linear_id member function of nd_item.


Rather than advance, to consider how a scenario involving a three dimensional grid of three dimensional blocks (3x3) might play out, we can perhaps already agree that there is cause to pause when calculating a linear index from a multidimensional array index set. Instead, let's look at a potential solution to the problem in general: how a fold can calculate a linear index from the common input parameters, a collection of extent/index pairs.

index_left_fold :: [(Integer, Integer)] -> (Integer, Integer)
index_left_fold = foldl (\(e1,i1) (e2,i2) -> (e1*e2,i1*e2+i2)) (1,0)

The index_left_fold Haskell function above returns a tuple. Its first component holds the calculated total size of the array; and its second component holds the calculated linear index. (The definition can use foldr as a drop in replacement for foldl if desired.) Let's consider an example application: index_left_fold [(4,1),(8,6)]. In a C++ context, this could relate to a 4x8 array type (i.e. T[4][8]); if we gave it a pirate name like arr we would index it with syntax such as: arr[1][6]. As expected, the tuple returned is (32,14). Reassuringly, the result of index_left_fold [(4,1),(8,7)] is (32,15); with the linear index of 15 one greater than the earlier 14, after incrementing the fastest moving index.

The two components of the fold's combining function have an intuitive aspect. The second part, i1*e2+i2, which ultimately produces the linear index, is reminiscent of the common i*w+j expression that might similarly calculate a linear index in a traditional doubly nested loop. Meanwhile, the first part, e1*e2, accumulates the array size as the product of its extents. At each step of the fold, the value provided by the e2 parameter holds the product of the array dimensions so far; aligning with the idea that a multidimensional array is also an array of arrays. So too the fold's initial value of (1,0) provides the multiplicative unit (i.e. 1) for the product calculation; and zero can be thought of as an offset into a non-existent zeroeth dimension.

Implementation in C++

When considering a C++ version we note that there a few options to invoke a suitable folding mechanism. The std::accumulate function template facilitates a versatile left fold4, but the version included with standard C++ libraries will not run via nvcc on the GPU. Note also that the constexpr attribute of std::accumulate is irrelevant here as the CUDA built-ins, including threadIdx, are all runtime values. std::accumulate is also absent from NVIDIA's libcu++.

constexpr __forceinline__ __device__ __host__
unsigned index_left_fold(const unsigned extent, const unsigned index) {
  return index;

template <typename T, typename ...Ts>
constexpr __forceinline__ __device__ __host__
unsigned index_left_fold(const T e1, const T i1, const T e2, const T i2, Ts ...xs) {
  return index_left_fold(e1*e2, i1*e2+i2, xs...);

The CUDA C++ definition of index_left_fold shown above instead uses variadic templates. The recursive overload processes the first two arguments at each step. This leads to the final accumulated extent being discarded in the recursive base case at the top. This is already usable for C-style arrays; with the same indexing applied to the 4x8 array from earlier, the result of index_left_fold(4,1, 8,6) is 14, and the result of index_left_fold(4,1, 8,7) is 15.

When working within a CUDA kernel, the indices and extents are already provided, by the built-in constants: gridDim, blockDim, blockIdx and threadIdx; and CUDA's three dimensional grid of three dimensional blocks (3x3) is isomorphic to a 6D array. The fastest moving indices correspond to the thread indices within each block; while the outermost extents correspond to the number of blocks within each grid dimension. Thankfully the specific mapping of indices to extents for each of the 6 dimensions need be defined only once for common configurations, as shown below:

template <unsigned dims>
__forceinline__ __device__ unsigned cuda_global_linear_id();

template <>
__forceinline__ __device__ unsigned cuda_global_linear_id<1>() {
  return index_left_fold(gridDim.x,  blockIdx.x,
                         blockDim.x, threadIdx.x);

template <>
__forceinline__ __device__ unsigned cuda_global_linear_id<2>() {
  return index_left_fold(gridDim.y,  blockIdx.y,
                         gridDim.x,  blockIdx.x,
                         blockDim.y, threadIdx.y,
                         blockDim.x, threadIdx.x);

template <>
__forceinline__ __device__ unsigned cuda_global_linear_id<3>() {
  return index_left_fold(gridDim.z,  blockIdx.z,
                         gridDim.y,  blockIdx.y,
                         gridDim.x,  blockIdx.x,
                         blockDim.z, threadIdx.z,
                         blockDim.y, threadIdx.y,
                         blockDim.x, threadIdx.x);

When applied to the example task from earlier, of incrementing each element of a suitably sized array from within a CUDA kernel, with coalesced reads and writes, the 3 common varieties can now appear as shown below. Note that cuda_global_linear_id<3>() also works for all 3 of these kernels as CUDA implictly sets unspecified dimension extents to 1; and corresponding indices to 0.

__global__ void kernel1x1(unsigned *p) { p[cuda_global_linear_id<1>()]++; }
__global__ void kernel2x2(unsigned *p) { p[cuda_global_linear_id<2>()]++; }
__global__ void kernel3x3(unsigned *p) { p[cuda_global_linear_id<3>()]++; }

Both Linear Index and Size

The index_left_fold variadic function template introduced above is inspired by simplicity; involving no additional user or library types. Nevertheless, it seems wasteful for the recursive base case to discard the final extent value; which at this point contains the calculated total size of the array. Returning the total size and linear index as a pair of values can drive the design of an alternative implementation.

While the extent/index pair to be returned could be stored in an std::pair or std::array instance, a custom type built on two unsigned int members is sufficient; and allows for a combining operator to be defined, so permitting this implementation to use a concise C++17 fold expression. The ei class is shown below. Note how the operator+ definition resembles that of index_left_fold.

struct ei
  unsigned extent, index;

  __forceinline__ __device__ __host__
  constexpr ei operator+(ei x) { return {extent * x.extent, index * x.extent + x.index}; }

  __forceinline__ __device__ __host__
  constexpr bool operator==(const ei& x) const {
    return extent==x.extent && index==x.index;

The variadic function template to calculate the linear index and array size together can then be defined in short order:

template <typename ...Ts>
__forceinline__ __device__ __host__
constexpr ei size_index_left_fold(Ts ...xs) { return (ei{1,0} + ... + xs); }

static_assert(ei{48,47}==size_index_left_fold(ei{2,1}, ei{4,3}, ei{6,5}));


How would the CUDA linear index expressions appear if they were typed in full, by-hand rather than by a fold? The three unsigned int variables in the code below are initialised by expressions which are equivalent to the fold expressions obtained by expanding cuda_global_linear_id for the 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3 configurations respectively.

unsigned i1 = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
unsigned i2 = ((blockIdx.y*gridDim.x+blockIdx.x)*blockDim.y+threadIdx.y)*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;
unsigned i3 = ((((blockIdx.z*gridDim.y+blockIdx.y)*gridDim.x+blockIdx.x)*blockDim.z+threadIdx.z)*blockDim.y+threadIdx.y)*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x;

We can then compare these with the expressions used by the CUDA Thread Indexing Cheatsheet. For the 1x1 case, there is no difference: both use blockIdx.x*blockDim.x+threadIdx.x. For the 2x2 case, the Cheatsheet's getGlobalIdx_2D_2D uses 4 multiplications and 3 additions; whereas cuda_global_linear_id<2> uses fewer: 3 multiplications, and 3 additions. getGlobalIdx_2D_2D also uses the blockDim.x constant twice, while cuda_global_linear_id<2> uses each of its terms only once. For the 3x3 case, differences increase. With getGlobalIdx_3D_3D, 9 multiplications and 5 additions are used; while cuda_global_linear_id<3> uses only 5 multiplications and 5 additions; each one less than the number of array dimensions involved (i.e. 6 here)5. Again, no term repetitions occur in cuda_global_linear_id<3>; while getGlobalIdx_3D_3D uses blockDim.x three times, blockDim.y twice, and gridDim.x twice also.

One may nevertheless fear that the recursion, or paired accumulation of extent and index in the inlined call to a cuda_global_linear_id template instantiation, may lead to the compiler producing a suboptimal representation of the unfolded expressions discussed above. Comparing the PTX output by nvcc for two minimal test programs, with one using cuda_global_linear_id, and the other using the unfolded expressions, shows the pair to be equivalent: only the order of the PTX operations, and the registers used differ. Furthermore, with a similar pair of cubin files, nvdisasm reveals that this distinction is trivial, with both versions producing identical assembly code.


The project goal was to create a fold operation to produce a linear index from a collection of array extent/index pairs, applicable to CUDA threads. If you are in need of a global linear id for a CUDA thread, please try the cuda_global_linear_id function template. For more general array applications, the underlying index_left_fold and its associate size_index_left_fold are also available. The specialisations of cuda_global_linear_id appear optimal for three common CUDA grid configurations (1x1, 2x2, and 3x3), and handle all other configurations well6. The GitHub repository for the code introduced above can be found at

  1. CUDA could not have the luxury here of incrementing a newly-added index variable to the outer scope. With CUDA, each kernel instance executes in parallel. 

  2. Coalesced memory access occurs when the threads of a CUDA hardware warp, access consecutive memory addresses during the same clock cycle. 

  3. CUDA thread IDs are unique only within a block. For more information on thread IDs, see Section 2.1. Kernels and Section 2.2 Thread Hierarchy from the CUDA Programming Guide (version 11.4).  2


  5. The regularity of the fold operation described by index_left_fold means that with an array of dimension N, there will be N-1 multiplication operations, and N-1 addition operations; i.e. the complexity is O(n). 

  6. Any dim3 components left unspecified during a CUDA kernel launch default to 1. It would not be difficult to create a set of function template specialisations which omit such unary dimension extents from the corresponding call to index_left_fold; so omitting suboptimal multiplications by 1. The challenge is in providing this via a user-friendly API.